Monday, April 18, 2011

How to envision

Just realized that tendencies I have that are not my favorite occur because I think them to reality.
What happens is I wonder why is it that I have not in so long behaved that way. (like not catch up with friends that often. Or not run on Saturday mornings. ) "It's time, otherwise it can't be me" I think. And like a good sport, my body and mind oblige. I force the habit out.

This is incorrect. A habit I had before that I don't particularly enjoy should not be essential to my persona. It's OK that I grew out of it, that I have replaced them with something productive and epic. Epic? Something that feels like I am making a difference in this world. Not something that is isolating and detrimental to my relationships with people I care about and my goals in life.

Envision being the new person I like. And be that person. Simple. Test? Ok.