Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Virtual Rubber Band: gmail Starred

I figured out how my usage of Starred works, and maybe this is for everyone as well, but it is not the way it was intended to work.

I find that my memory saves the clicking of the star, which transitions it to yellow, as a type or rubber-band-on-the-wrist type of reminder. My little neurons keep that memory in my mind to remind me I have something I have to get done, but not what. Just like the rubber band.

In Google's Gmail help page they specify the use of Stars as "Stars can be an eye-catching way to mark a special message or even a great visual reminder to follow up on a message later". This means that as you scroll through your inbox, the Star should stand out and remind you that you have a message you need to take action on or that has particular information that is very important.

In practice, for me, this does not apply at all. First, the Inbox Search removes the need to ever have to scroll through my inbox. This means I would never have the chance to notice this Starred email. Second, Starred messages automatically get added to the Starred label. I never check the Starred label explicitly. I never, naturally or unnaturally by deciding and training, do I add "Check the Starred Label" as part of my routine.

In fact, forget the Starred feature even exists until my two scenarios

  1. When I have referred to an email multiple times and it is not anymore at the top of my date sorted inbox. This means I have searched for it multiple times because I have needed it more than once. Only then I will think "oh! Why don't I just star it. Finding it will be so much easier" as it will rank higher. Especially since sometimes my search returns multiple items and I end up having to scroll through lots of messages. 
  2. And when there is an pending action I need to take based on its contents but i am putting it off for any number of reasons: a dependency I have to first complete, no time right now, or simple human procrastination. I keep seeing it in my unread section of gmail(another way I remind myself of things) and I get the feeling I will forget if I don't Star it.

The first scenario is fine. No harm done. It doesn't affect completing my responsibilities like the second scenario.

The second scenario is where my particular behavior comes in. It's not because I checked the Starred label or I scrolled through and saw the Star that I remember to take action to the email. Instead, my subconscious has a memory block that stays in the back of my mind, like a rubber band on my wrist, nagging me that I had something to follow up on. The memory is like a reminder to check my todo list.